English Part 14

Assalamualaikum wr wb 

hello friends,

Today is the day when my friend and I forward forward to present the conversation about the job. and this is our conversation using english


Gilang            : Assalamualaikum wr wb
Dani                : Waalaikumussalam wr wb
Gilang                        : How are you today ?
Dani                : I’m fine,and you ?
Gilang                        : I’m fine,whats your job ?
Dani                : I’m technician,and you ?
Gilang                        : I’m also a technician
Dani                : Where do you work ?
Gilang                        : I work PT Indah Kiat
Dani                : How long have you been working ?
Gilang                        : I have been working for two years
Dani                : What do you ussually do ?
Gilang                        : I ussually repair a machine and check all machines in my departement
Dani                : Ok, see you next time

Gilang                        : Ok, see you


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