English Part 10

Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb.

Alhamdulillah we meet again friends.

         Today I went up the stairs to go to class for sport while in the heart feel suffering.My friends look healthy, smile and i can see their spirit to study.Their clothes are neat but there are also wearing t-shirts.

         A few minutes later Ms.Rella came in and as usual every meeting had to have a group forward presentation.Group of 5 morning class presentations on "Generators and Transmission".Member gorup 5 (Ahmad hanafi,Rahmat munandar,Dwi hidayat,and eko) after they presented and continued question and answer session. in the end the short article is discussed together sama.secara overall they understand the formula of active and passive sentence but for their sentence still there are errors that do not fit the formula sentence question.

Overall they presentation is good.good job guys.


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