English part 3

 Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb.

        Guys nice to meet you again in the third week of english class.Everyone has a waiting day in one week.What day are you waiting for? You know the day awaited electro engineering students?yes,Friday because we really enjoy the language class english and meet Ms.Rella (hehe).

         Last week Ms.Rella gave examples of short articles as she promised.There are 4 examples of articles and one sample article for one group. So,one class is divided into 4 groups. We are assigned to search 5W+ 1H, verbal / nominal sentence, tenses, pattem, and give reason why writer uses the tenses, active / passive sentence (if passive is changed actively and vice versa) and translated.

         After 30 minutes we working and discussed together.There are many mistakes were we do. Ms.Rella gave a formula of making a question, a formula for finding a verbal sentence or a nominal sentence, a formula for finding a passive or active sentence. the explanation of ms.rella is easy to understand and I am getting interested in learning english. next week each group presentation as exemplified Ms.Rella.

Let's study.

See you next week guys.


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