English Part 6

assalammualaikum wr.wb

hello friends

previously I apologize directly to part 6 data part 5 has not been requested

English lesson fifth meeting. The lecturer enter and greet the college student. Good morning class, How are you today? We replied, good morning, we fine. The lecturer start today lesson. She asked us, which goup will go forward for presentation? We replied two group, this time our group were presentations . let's  listen



Control System
Control system, means by which a variable quantity or set of variable quantities is made to conform to a prescribed norm. It either holds the values of the controlled quantities constant or causes them to vary in a prescribed way. A control system may be operated by electricity, by mechanical means, by fluid pressure (liquid or gas), or by a combination of means. When a computer is involved in the control circuit, it is usually more convenient to operate all of the control systems electrically, although intermixtures are fairly common.
Development of control systems.
Control systems are intimately related to the concept of automation, but the two fundamental types of control systems, feedforward and feedback, have classic ancestry. The loom invented by Joseph Jacquard of France in 1801 is an early example of feedforward; a set of punched cards programmed the patterns woven by the loom; no information from the process was used to correct the machine’s operation. Similar feedforward control was incorporated in a number of machine tools invented in the 19th century, in which a cutting tool followed the shape of a model.
Feedback control, in which information from the process is used to correct a machine’s operation, has an even older history. Roman engineers maintained water levels for their aqueduct system by means of floating valves that opened and closed at appropriate levels. The Dutch windmill of the 17th century was kept facing the wind by the action of an auxiliary vane that moved the entire upper part of the mill. The most famous example from the Industrial Revolution is James Watt’s flyball governor of 1769, a device that regulated steam flow to a steam engine to maintain constant engine speed despite a changing load.
1. what
What is a control system ?
Control system, means by which a variable quantity or set of variable quantities is made to conform to a prescribed norm. It either holds the values of the controlled quantities constant or causes them to vary in a prescribed way. A control system may be operated by electricity, by mechanical means, by fluid pressure (liquid or gas), or by a combination of means.
2. Who
who invented the loom in 1801 ?
The loom invented by Joseph Jacquard
3. When
when was an important study about the automatic steering system of the US "New Mexico" warship published ?  In year 1922
4. Where
where was the initial feedforward sample found ? in ferancis
5. Why
Why wasn’t there any information from the process used ?
6. How
how did Roman engineers maintain water levels for their waterways ? With used system by means of floating valves that opened and closed at appropriate levels
Control system, means by which a variable quantity or set of variable quantities is made to conform to a prescribed norm.
Control systems are intimately related to the concept of automation, but the two fundamental types of control systems, feedforward and feedback, have classic ancestry
Feedback control, in which information from the process is used to correct a machine’s operation, has an even older history.
The 1930s saw the development of electrical feedback in long-distance telephone amplifiers and of the general theory of the servomechanism, by which a small amount of power controls a very large amount and makes automatic corrections
Tenses, it`s pattern and reasons
simple past tenses

1.The loom invented by Joseph Jacquard of France in 1801 is an early example of feedforward; a set of punched cards programmed the patterns woven by the loom; no information from the process was used to correct the machine’s operation. 

Reasons : because many sentences to show that an event occurred in the pastnt occurred in the past

ACTIVE: Control system, means by which a variable quantity or set of variable quantities is made to conform to a prescribed norm.

PASSIVE : Control system makes variable quantity or set of variable quantities to conform to a prescribed norm.

Sistem kontrol, yang berarti dengan jumlah variabel atau jumlah variabel dibuat untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan norma yang ditentukan. Ini juga memegang nilai-nilai dari jumlah terkendali yang konstan atau menyebabkannya bervariasi sesuai dengan yang ditentukan. Sistem kontrol dapat dioperasikan dengan listrik, dengan cara mekanis, dengan tekanan cairan (cairan atau gas), atau dengan kombinasi sarana. Ketika komputer terlibat dalam rangkaian kontrol, biasanya lebih mudah mengoperasikan semua sistem kontrol secara elektrik, meskipun intermixtures cukup umum.
Pengembangan sistem kontrol.
Sistem kontrol sangat terkait dengan konsep otomasi, namun dua tipe sistem kontrol yang mendasar, feedforward dan feedback, memiliki keturunan klasik. Alat tenun yang ditemukan oleh Joseph Jacquard dari Prancis pada tahun 1801 adalah contoh awal feedforward; satu set kartu punched memprogram pola tenunan tenun; Tidak ada informasi dari proses yang digunakan untuk memperbaiki operasi mesin. Pengendalian umpan balik yang serupa digabungkan dalam sejumlah peralatan mesin yang ditemukan pada abad ke-19, di mana alat pemotong mengikuti bentuk model.
Kontrol feedback, di mana informasi dari proses ini digunakan untuk memperbaiki operasi mesin, memiliki sejarah yang lebih tua lagi. Para insinyur Romawi mempertahankan tingkat air untuk sistem saluran air mereka dengan menggunakan katup mengambang yang dibuka dan ditutup pada tingkat yang sesuai. Kincir angin Belanda abad ke-17 terus menghadapi angin dengan aksi baling-baling bantu yang memindahkan seluruh bagian atas pabrik. Contoh paling terkenal dari Revolusi Industri adalah gubernur flyball James Watt tahun 1769, perangkat yang mengatur aliran uap ke mesin uap untuk mempertahankan kecepatan mesin konstan meski ada perubahan.



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